Free tape echo Plugin WatKat
Plugin description
WatKat is a digital “clone” of a Wem Watkins “Custom” Copicat. It sounds very lo-fi,
noisy, irregular. When you turn it off and leave the tape loaded, the tape bends in
proximity of the capstan, and this turns into a periodic pitch fall during echo playback;
plus, it gets hot and the background hum gets worse in time… you should turn it off
every now and then; the tape is never completely erased, and the capstan motor
flutters… and it gets worse if you touch it while it’s spinning; heads tend to get dirty
very soon, infact you should clean them often. This is true for the actual hardware unit,
and for the digital simulation as well!
Panel Controls:
– Swell: adjusts the volume of the repeats;
– Sustain: adjusts the number of repeats; be careful with this knob!
– Gain 1: volume of input 1 (left channel);
– Gain 2: volume of input 2 (right channel);
– Head 1, Head 2, Head 3: use these switches to select the playback head(s); each
head gives a different delay time.
Don’t touch the capstan! 🙂
Additional Features:
– Very easy to use
– Very light on CPU and memory
– Easy MIDI Learn feature
– Free for all, so the world may know how cool is a Watkins tape echo!
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