TYRELL N6 V3 U-HE Freeware!
Tyrell is the name of a project by the German online magazine Amazona.de. A reader survey and follow-on forum posts provided a pool of ideas for a low-cost HARDWARE analogue synth, which Mic ‘Moogulator’ Irmer collected and used to develop quite a powerful concept. Based on a design similar to Roland’s classic Juno 60, a few modules and novel features could be added without making the product too expensive…
However, it soon became obvious that developing the hardware would have taken years, so I (Urs) offered to turn the core design into a freeware softsynth. That was late 2010. Only a few weeks later, TyrellN6 was out for beta testing! After some serious bug-fixing and fine tuning, the final release version became available in April 2011.
Version 3
In April 2013 we released TyrellN6 version 3, which now supports VST3. The new user interface was designed by Ryo Ishido.
Key features
new skin designed for Amazona.de by Ryo Ishido
smooth overdrive in the oscillator mixer
filter output can be fed back into the mixer
unison mode, with voice index modulation source
envelopes can be looped or triggered via LFO
envelopes retrigger just like classic hardware
System Requirements
Current PC or intel Mac
Multicore CPU with SSE2
(Sandy Bridge architecture or newer recommended)
Mac OSX 10.5 or newer
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
1GB RAM, more recommended
30MB free disc space
display 1200x800px and up
OSX: VST2 or AU compatible host software
Windows: VST2 compatible host software
Supports 32bit and 64bit in all formats
Pro Tools AAX in development